Thursday, September 10, 2009

Meetings and Time

Mothers Reaching Mothers meets monthly on the 2nd Monday @ 6pm

If you are interested in meeting other mothers
please contact Trinity Baptist Church for specifics on location for the month.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Busy Moms Can Make Time for God

No matter how many children, how big your house is or the amount of help you have all moms face the same dilemma- too much to do and not enough hours in the day.

But, regardless of how full our day planner is we must make time to nourish our relationship with God.

If I never called my mom our relationship would eventually cease to exist. Same thing with God.

If I never “pick up the phone” and check in with my Creator our relationship will slowly fade away.

My life consists of 4 children, homeschool, normal never-ending mommy/wife duties, online business, extracurricular activities and MRM responsibilities.

Your list is just as long or longer! How are we going to squeeze in anything else and still sleep??

Here are 5 simple ways to make sure we stay in contact with the one who leads, blesses and encourages our lives:

1) Subscribe to a daily email scripture or bible study. There are hundreds of lists out there to subscribe to. A couple I’ve come across include:

2) Tape Bible verses to your mirrors, microwave, refrigerator, back door… Everywhere you go read the word of God. Be creative! On your bathroom mirror- Psalm 45:11 or Proverbs 31:30, the microwave- Ecc 5:2 or 7:9, garage door- Psalm 40:11…

3) Purchase the Bible on CD and play them in the car every time you go somewhere. We have a set done by a guy with a Scottish accent—it seems to make it even more enjoyable!

4) Talk (like you would a friend) to God when you’re in the bathroom, doing laundry or vacuuming. In John 15, Jesus repeatedly tells us that we are his friend. You wouldn’t forget about your earthly best friend so why forget about the greatest friend we could ever imagine?

He wants our time, our hearts and our words. He eagerly awaits the simplest of conversation with us.

5) Slow down. I know, I know, I said these would be simple. It only takes a second to stop and admire God’s beauty. The trees, deer, flowers, hills, birds, river…We’re surrounded by the most amazing views. Observing and reflecting on them can only bring forth praise to the most Holy One.

How does it make you feel when your husband comments on your beauty or your children rave over your latest meal? Feels really good! Think about the joy we bring God when we notice his creation.

I pray you are able to put 1 or 2 of these (or maybe all 5!) in place by the next meeting.

Please share with us how your life is blessed by spending more time with God amidst our chaotic lives.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dinner at Chili's

Yeah we were squished like sardines.

And yeah Sterling drooled incessantly all over me.

But boy did I enjoy a meal out with some wonderful ladies!

I feel so blessed to be a part of this amazing group. Getting to know each one of ya'll has enriched my life tremendously.

I passed around a host-home sign up sheet and got July and August taken care of. If you are willing to open your home up for September, October, or November let me know!

We also discussed a playdate at a park or someone's house. Courtney and I will plan a date and let you know. I'm thinking the end of this month would be great.

I was so happy to see some new faces at this month's meeting! Welcome, Lindsey and Trina!

Keep inviting your friends. We have some great things planned for upcoming meetings.

July we will have a residential organizer speak with us about how to get our house in order! I'm pretty organized but I know I have a lot of room for improvement!!

August we will do a great topical study on what God has to say about health.

The fall will be a time to learn some parenting tips and tricks from parenting expert Dr. Kevin Leman. I just bought his book Have A New Kid by Friday and have already implemented and seen some amazing changes!

Check back here for future updates and feel free to leave a comment with any feedback or prayers/praises you have.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summertime Plans!

Yeah for summer!! No more school. No more rushing out the door at the crack of dawn. No more packing lunches.

Vacation time is here...even if vacation is simply staying in your PJs past 9am!

Of course summer also means all day, every day with the cutest munkins in the world. All the more reason to make sure you are at every MRM meeting this summer!

We're kicking off the summer with a "Moms Only" dinner at Chili's for our June meeting.

In July, we will have a Kindergarten teacher come and speak to us about the changes coming for many 5 year olds. She will give some helpful tips that are applicable to all moms whether your kids will be starting school or not.

To end the summer in August we will have a topical study on Health and the Bible. What does the Bible say about health? Does God care what we eat?

Courtney and I also look forward to playdates! We will keep the blog updated on any events we schedule as a group.

On June 8th when we meet at Chili's we will have a sign-up sheet for host houses. If you would like to open your home for July or August (or any other month) please let us know!

Monday, May 11, 2009

A New Beginning

Tonight MRM ushered in 2 new leaders as we said goodbye (not really) to one of the founding moms. Melissa helped create Mothers Reaching Mothers out of necessity when she moved here 3+ years ago.

Before MRM there wasn't a place for Christian mothers to join together every month for support and encouragement. MRM truly is Melissa's baby.

Now that she has helped raise it out of infancy she is ready to start a new phase, one that will meet the needs of mothers with children in grades K thru 3rd. Melissa is handing over leadership of the birth-pre K group to Autumn and Courtney.

We are all so grateful for all the hard work Melissa put in over the past 3 years. I can't wait to see how God blesses both groups over the coming months and years.

I was excited to see the new moms at tonight's meeting. I encourage all of you to bring a friend to the June meeting. This summer we plan to have fantastic speakers to entertain and educate all of us.

Remember if you need childcare it's free! Just call Trinity Baptist Church by the Wednesday before the next meeting to reserve your spot.

Bookmark this site and check back often for updates about meetings and playdates!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May MRM Meeting

"If you help a mother love her life, you will help a family. And as families go, so goes society."
"Invest in a mother, influence a family, improve a community, and impact the world!"
These are just a few quotes on the importance of the role of mothering. It is easy to get bogged down in the business and routine of our lives and slowly forget the important position we hold as mothers. What an awesome responsibility we have to nurture and care for the children that God has blessed us with. I pray that we do not take lightly the lives God has called us to lead as mothers. We have been chosen to do an extraordinary job...that of raising children! God bless!!

May MRM Meeting
May 11, 2009

Home of Autumn Beck

We will be enjoying pizza, salad, and yummy desserts.

This meeting will be more of an open suggestion time for what we will like to plan for the summer...guest speakers, topics, etc... We would like every one's suggestions, so it would be great if you all could come!

Call the church office at 895-0100 to sign up for childcare!

See you there!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MRM Spring Banquet April 17, 2009

Here are a few pictures from the MRM Banquet last Friday. It turned out beautifully, the food was wonderful, Sara Taylor had a wonderful message, and the ladies who came had such a great time. Thank you to all who helped make this possible and to those who attended!